Download shifts and signups

Learn how to download shift and signup data for your events

Updated over a week ago

As an organizer, you can download data for all upcoming and past events that you own. To download data for an event, navigate to the dashboard event view and scroll down to Shifts and Signups, then select Export signups (see screencap below).

Your signup export will be emailed to you in a .CSV file with the file name [string].participation_export.csv.

The signup export will contain one row for each signup - if a supporter signs up for 10 shifts of the same event, the export will contain 10 separate rows for that supporter.

Each row will contain the following information per signup: name, email, phone, zip code, event, attendance status, event type, affiliated organization, sign-up sources, and post-shift feedback, if applicable.

There are two columns that will display signup statuses:

  • The attended column will display True if the signup was marked as "Completed". It will display False if the signup was marked as a "No-show."

  • The status column will display a signup status value of CANCELLED, CONFIRMED, or REGISTERED.

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