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Cancel event RSVP

As a Supporter, you can cancel your event RSVP via your volunteer schedule or the registration email.

Updated over 5 months ago

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ When plans change, Supporters can cancel their RSVP via the volunteer schedule or the registration email.

Volunteer Schedule

Step 1: Access your Volunteer Schedule

  • Click Menu

  • You will see your name, email, My volunteer schedule, Contact organization, Account, Log out in the Menu dropdown

  • Select My schedule from this list

Step 2: Find the event you want to cancel your RSVP for

Step 3: Select 'Cancel' for the event you can no longer attend

Registration Email

Step 1: Find the registration email for the event

  • Hint: Search your Inbox for "You've signed up!" Then find the email that corresponds with the event you'd like to cancel

Step 2: Click 'Cancel RSVP' in the email.


After cancelling my RSVP, how can I sign up for a different shift?

  • You can sign up a for a new shift by clicking on the event from your Volunteer Schedule. If the event has upcoming shifts, you will see the sign up form.

  • You can find a new event to sign up for on the feed.

I didn't cancel my RSVP, but my registration was cancelled. What happened?

There are a few possibilities:

  • Anti-phishing software could have pre-clicked the 'Cancel RSVP' button in an email.

    Is it possible that your organization is using anti-phishing software for your emails? We think they're a great tool to ensure a level of cybersecurity, but they do have the habit of pre-clicking on links in emails to check for safety. To prevent this going forward, you may have to ask your email administrator to add Mobilize to your domain's allow list.

    Please approve:




  • The organization could have cancelled the event or your RSVP.

    Please reach out the organization or host by clicking 'Email the host' in your volunteer schedule to find out more.


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