There are several ways to export data from Mobilize.
For all export options, you will receive an email shortly after your request with a .csv (comma-separated-values) file attached for you to download.
Shifts and volunteer feedback Export
Information included:
One row for each signup containing details about the event, person, and post-shift feedback (if available)
If a supporter signs up for 10 shifts, the shifts and volunteer feedback export will contain 10 separate rows for that supporter.
Contains name, email, phone, zip code, event, attendance status, event type, affiliated organization, sign-up sources (from UTMs), and post-shift feedback
The attended column will display True if the signup was marked as "Completed". It will display False if the signup was marked as a "No-show."
The status column will display a signup status value of CANCELLED, CONFIRMED, or REGISTERED.
Filename: string.participation_export.csv (if downloaded from the event), string.participation_export.csv (if downloaded from the Export tab)
To download (three ways):
Across all events and users: go to the Exports tab and select email me shifts and feedback. Next, choose to download all available shifts or all shifts between a date range.
The date range filters to include shifts with an event start date within the selected range
2. For one event: go to the Events tab, select your event, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the Export signups button.
3. For one timeslot: go to the Events tab, select your event, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the timeslot you wish to download data for. Beneath the Supporters search bar, select the Export signups button.
Volunteer Export
Data for each supporter who has signed up for an event created by or promoted by your organization.
If a supporter has signed up for 10 events, the volunteer export will contain one row with the supporter's information.
Contains name, email, phone, zip code, and SMS opt-in status of each supporter
Filename: string.people_export.csv
To download:
Go to the Exports tab and select Email me volunteers. Next, choose to download all available shifts or all shifts between a date range.
The date range filters to include volunteers whose first signup date falls within the selected range
User Export
One row for each of your dashboard's Admins, Organizers, Trusted Hosts, and Hosts
Contains name, email, and role
Filename: string.user_export.csv
To download:
Go to the Exports tab and select Email me users.
Event Export
One row for every event owned, promoted, or co-owned by your organization.
Contains event name, event type, address, Congressional and state legislative districts, and event visibility.
Filename: string.event_export.csv
To download:
Go to the Exports tab and select Email me events. Next, choose to download all available events or all shifts between a date range.
The date range filters to include events with a start date within the selected range
โKey Words: export, exports, data, volunteer, volunteers, sign, up, information, contact, shifts, status, participate