When you promote another organization, you can filter their events to show only the events within targeted legislative districts.
This feature makes it easier for candidate and coordinated campaigns to more efficiently collaborate.
Using this tool, candidate campaigns will have the ability to promote the events associated with the Coordinated Campaign that are specifically hosted at locations within their districts. Those events will appear on the candidate campaign’s branded events feed. Data on sign-ups gathered are retained by the campaign and written into the appropriate Coordinated Campaign NGP VAN committee.
This feature also makes it easier for progressive organizations and grassroots groups to recruit for specific events that align with group priorities.
Many of our partner organizations support specific state and federal candidates. As those state and federal campaigns join forces with Coordinated Campaigns during the final days, the organizations want to maintain their ability to send members to specific districts. Absent this feature, organizations would be more likely to gather sign-ups independently, inhibiting campaigns’ ability to track and confirm the sign-ups.
Read more about the feature and the thinking behind it here!