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Host Recruitment: Best Practices
Updated over a week ago

Event Campaign Host Recruitment Guide

We’ve compiled some tips from the Mobilize team on how to get the most out of your event campaign push! The first step is recruiting Volunteer Hosts. This is a great new way to engage with your supporters.

Read on to learn about our suggestions for Volunteer Host recruitment to take you from start to finish.

  1. Set a goal for your distributed push!

  2. Aiming for an event in every time zone, or even every state? This focus will help you plan your next steps.

  3. Start building your Host Toolkit

  4. We’ve made some materials with all the information a Volunteer Host would need. Make a copy and add your branding!

  5. Recruit far and wide!

  6. Across the board, Mobilize sees a consistent theme: Facebook is a top referring website. Make sure your official Facebook page is posting the Host an Event link, and follow up with volunteer hosts with suggested copy so they can share the Host an Event link as well!

  7. Make sure to dedicate a few email sends to the Host an Event link! 

  8. If you’re targeting specific areas, contacting local supporter groups directly through local Facebook groups and Democratic Committees

  9. Support your Volunteer Hosts

  10. Make sure to enter a default email for your Distributed Push. This email is displayed on your Host an Event page, so this email should be monitored!

  11. Consider using our integration with Intercom, a chat-based help service, to help Volunteer Hosts

  12. Mobilize’s post-shift survey is a great way to learn more about your distributed events. We conduct one-question surveys sent to attendees one hour after an event ends. This data is stored in the Exports tab of Mobilize, where any Admin user can access it.

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