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Uploading an event photo

Answers to questions like, "How big should my image be?", "What does 2:1 aspect ratio even mean?", and "What format should I upload?"

Updated over a week ago

"Images make your events eye-catching." - A Mobilize Proverb

Mobilize is always testing new features and surveying volunteers. We have found that events with pictures convert higher than events without images! We accept .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, and .png image file formats.

For the snazziest event image, Mobilize recommends images 1200 pixels wide and 630 pixels tall (around 2:1 β€” technically, 1.91:1). This size will guarantee that your event images will look the same across all screens and when you share the link on social media.


This means you can make one single event image that looks good on:

  • Mobilize

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Slack

  • Instagram direct messages

  • Whatsapp

  • and more!


If you have text in your event images, please double-check that important information isn't cut off. You can always fix this by creating a new image at 1200x630px and re-uploading it on your event.

Tools To Create or Edit Event Images


Keywords: hero, image, cropping, event, photo, picture, file, format, upload

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