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Map: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the map of your events!

Updated over a week ago

We recently rolled out the first version of a map of your events, one of the most commonly requested features. This is only the first version and we will be rolling out more improvements (both polish and features).

Table of Contents

1. Why did you add a map feature?

We added a map for three reasons:

  1. Organizations kept asking for it and letting us know how important it was to them

  2. It helps supporters find events near them

  3. It helps organizations show the momentum behind their movements

2. How do I see a map of all the events for an organization?

You can navigate to the map from the feed by selecting the map icon.

Or you can navigate to the map directly by going to

3. How do I see a map of a specific subset of events for an organization?

You can turn any search or feed into a map. Start by searching for whatever you'd like in the UI:

  • Tags (for example: "Weekend of Action" or "Get Out The Vote")

  • Text in the title or description (for example: "Juneteenth")

  • Event Type (for example: "Phonebank")

  • Date or Date range (for example: "July 4th")

  • Accessibility features (for example: "ASL interpretation")

  • Location (for example: only events in Texas)

  • Campaign or Organization (only events you are promoting that are organized by a specific candidate or nonprofit, etc...)

In addition to the visible search fields, there are also a few other searches you can make. For example:

  • Event campaign (1: go to your host an event page, 2: find the event campaign you are interested in tap "See Examples", this will land you on a search of all events in that campaign)

After you've applied your search, select the map icon to go to the map version of it.

4. How do I share a map with supporters?

Once you have the map you want to share, just copy and paste the url and send it to them. It will remember all the search parameters you included.

5. What happens for events that don't have publicly visible locations?

  • Hidden events - If an event is hidden from your feed then it also won't appear on the map.

  • Public events with hidden locations - Currently, if an event has a hidden address but is visible in your feed, then it won't appear on the map. We are hoping to add a feature soon showing an approximate location, but it's not ready yet.

  • Virtual events w/o a location - If the hosting organization has a location set, then these will appear at the hosting organizations location on the map. If not then they won't appear on the map.

6. How many events can the map show?

Currently the map can show up to 1000 events at once. If your feed or search has more than 1000 events, then it will show the 1000 closest events to the person viewing the map (or to the specified location if you pre-chose it). Then once the person moves the map, it will show the 1000 closest to the center.

7. What happens when multiple events are at the same spot?

When there are multiple events at the same location, it will show a count. Once you select it it will show a flyout with a link to see a list of the events.

8. Can I see which signups came from the map vs the feed?

We don't currently surface any tracking to distinguish between the two. But if you'd like to use utm parameters you can add them to the link you share to understand how many signups came from a specific link.

9. How do I remove my event from the map?

You can remove your event from the map and feed by making it hidden.

10. When sharing a link to the map, can I decide where it centers and how far it zooms in?

Yes, you can center the map and choose the amount of zoom by including the latitude, longitude, and zoom parameters in the url.
If you don't include these parameters then it will center on where the viewer of the map is and zoom out to the whole US.

To include these parameters:
a) Go to the map

b) Zoom in and navigate to where you want

c) Tap Back to list

d) Tap Map

e) Share the url in the address bar

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