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Get a VAN API key for Mobilize

VAN Committee admins can request and approve their own API keys. Instructions are the same for EveryAction and NGP.

Updated over a year ago

An API key from a committee is needed to connect that committee to Mobilize for syncing. An admin user of an EveryAction, NGP, or VAN committee can request and approve their own API key for use with Mobilize.

Step 1: Check whether or not you have permission to approve API keys

In your committee, go to Support Request Setup. Approve API Requests will be lit green corresponding with your name if you have permission:

Step 2: Request an API key for Mobilize

  • Open the API Integrations page from the Sidebar

  • Click Request an API Key

  • In the modal, select Mobilize from Integration

  • Find and select the person who should receive the API request, ideally, yourself or your committee administrator

  • Submit your request

Step 3: Approve the requested API key

  • Open the API Integrations page from the Sidebar

  • Click View Support Request

  • Scroll until you see the Deny API Key Request and Approve API Key Request buttons

  • Click on Approve API Key Request

  • In the modal, select an expiration date OR approve without an expiration date

Step 4: Generate the API key

Note Bene: Only continue with this step IF you are ready to plug the API key into Mobilize or send it to Mobilize Support enclosed in an OneTimeSecret link. When you generate an API key, you will only see the key this one time.

  • Once a request has been approved, open the API Integrations page from the Sidebar

  • Locate the API key you requested

  • Click Generate API Key

  • Copy the entire string below One-Time Mobilize API Key

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