Download sign ups for all shifts for one event
Step 1: Navigate to the event details page
After you log into Mobilize, select the organization you are hosting the event for under Menu > Organize For
From the Events tab, select the event you want to download details for
Step 2: Scroll down to Shifts and Signups section, then select Export signups
Step 3: Check your email and open the .csv
You should see an email like this:
Click the link to automatically open up the .csv sheet in your preferred program.
The signup export will contain one row for each signup - if a supporter signs up for 10 shifts of the same event, the export will contain 10 separate rows for that supporter.
Download sign ups for one shift
Step 1: Navigate to the event details page
After you log into Mobilize, select the organization you are hosting the event for under Menu > Organize For
From the Events tab, select the event you want to download details for
Step 2: Scroll down to Shifts and Signups section, then under Date and time, select the timeslot you want to download details for
Step 3: Click Export signups
Step 4: Check your email and open the .csv
You should see an email like this:
Click the link to automatically open up the .csv sheet in your preferred program.
What information is included in the export?
Each row will contain the following information per signup: name, email, phone, zip code, event, attendance status, event type, affiliated organization, sign-up sources, and post-shift feedback, if applicable.
Note: There are two columns that will display signup statuses:
The attended column will display True if the signup was marked as "Completed". It will display False if the signup was marked as a "No-show."
The status column will display a signup status value of CANCELLED, CONFIRMED, or REGISTERED.