Navigate to account & notification settings
When logged in to Mobilize, users can access their account & notification settings from the Menu, like in the screencaps below.
Contact information
In this section, you'll be able to edit your first and last name, email address, phone number, ZIP code, and timezone. Select the pencil icon to begin editing. When you're done, select Update info to save changes.
Mobilize and event organizers will contact you at the email address listed here.
If you are a user on a Mobilize dashboard (an Admin, Organizer, or Host), this is the email address you'll use to access your dashboard. If you'd like to access the dashboard using a different email address, you'll need to add yourself (if you're a dashboard Admin) or ask an Admin to add you under the new email address from the dashboard Users tab.
Note: Mobilize recognizes users as unique by email address, so it is possible for one person to have multiple user accounts, each under a different email address, but it is not possible to merge multiple user accounts.
Phone number:
Mobilize and event organizers will contact you via SMS at the phone number listed here.
To unsubscribe from SMS communications, reply STOP or STOPALL to any texts from Mobilize (30837).
ZIP code:
The ZIP code you set here determines what nearby events Mobilize will suggest to you on the action feed, in newsletters, and more.
If you're seeing event suggestions for the wrong location, check this setting!
The timezone set here determines what timezone is used for event timeslots in your event-related emails from Mobilize.
If you're receiving event registration emails for the wrong timezone, check this setting!
Connected accounts
You can log in to Mobilize using your Google account or a one-time magic link sent to your email address.
If you log in using Google, it will appear as a connected account in your account settings. Logging in using Facebook is currently unavailable.
If you log in using a magic link but would also like to create a Mobilize account linked to Google, you can link that here by selecting Link Google account.
Notification Settings
The notification settings section is where you can control which email notifications you will receive after any of the described actions. Learn more about unsubscribing from SMS messages.
For each option, if the toggle is blue, you will receive the notifications. For example:
For events you sign up for
Admins can also sign up for events! Some notifications after event sign up will depend on whether they are enabled by the organization.
Note: If you'd like to unsubscribe from all recruitment emails (but not event signup-related emails) from a specific organization, select Unfollow for that organization in your volunteer schedule.
For events you own
Admins will receive these notifications for events they own or co-host
About this dashboard
The settings configured in this section will apply to any dashboard where your user role is Admin. For dashboards where user your role is Organizer or Volunteer Host, you will not receive these notifications.
Log out
Other methods to Unsubscribe
Unsubscribe directly from email
Unsubscribe from SMS Messages
To unsubscribe from SMS communications, reply STOP or STOPALL to any texts from Mobilize (30837).