In the case that you want to promote another organizations events, but don't want to promote ALL of their events, there are three different options you have:
1. Stop promoting a few specific events
If you want to promote *most* of an organizations events, then this method works well.
First, you need to be promoting an organization. Go to the Promote Organizations tab in your dashboard and locate the organization whose events you would like to promote (Pro Tip: use Control-F or Command-F to search for the organization's name), tap promote. Learn more about how to promote a whole organization here
Then navigate to your Events tab of your dashboard and go to the Promoted"section. Choose the βΌ under Actions and tap Hide from Feed.
2. Filter to a subset of events
If you want to prevent many of an organizations events based on a characteristic like location, event type, tag, etc... this works well.
First, you need to be promoting an organization. Go to the Promote Organizations tab in your dashboard and locate the organization whose events you would like to promote (Pro Tip: use Control-F or Command-F to search for the organization's name), tap promote. Learn more about how to promote a whole organization
3. Promote only specific events
If there are only a very few events from an organization you want to promote, then this method works well. You can promote each event individually. Learn more about promoting a single event
βKey Words: event, promote, some, one, select, few, organization, promotions, promoted, only